Wednesday, November 23, 2011

thankful for play-dates

Kane and I have done a couple Thanksgiving crafts this year.
This is his hand print turkey

and his thankful turkey. We used his feet to make the feathers.

We are so thankful for our wonderful friends and play-dates we have been to lately.
Last week we went to Chelsea's house to decorate sugar cookies and play.

gobble, gobble

Today, Kane and I hosted a fairly large play-date at our house. All of Kane's sweet friends were on Thanksgiving break, so it was the perfect opportunity to get together.

The turkey bowl that I put fresh fruit in

turkey cups

I had a craft station were the kids could color a Mayflower and make a headband.

I also made a popcorn filled turkey again this year.

beautiful baby Peyton

Amberly loved Kane's 4-wheeler!

Brad and Bella coloring feathers for their headbands.

Brad's headband sans the feathers.

Brad, Bella and a picture of Kane looking!!! I'll take what I can get these days!

Sweet Caden playing with the fire truck

Brody giving Kane a push on the swing

How many kids can you squeeze in a playroom?!

Bella pushing Kane on the swing

Bella and Caden

Violet and Brad playing baseball


Kane decided Bella needed a push

Ambs, Violet, Starla, and Kane eating the popcorn

Ambs and Kane playing peek-a-boo in the pantry

Found you monkey!

Thank you sweet friends for coming over today. We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have a jammed packed day and a daddy who has to work. Despite Michael working, I am so thankful to be around family this year. Don't forget to count your blessings!


  1. And we are SO THANKFUL for u guys!!!! Was a fun day!

  2. Wow! Jamie you sure know how to create FUN days for the kids. I love the Thankful Turkey - awesome idea. Happy Thanksgiving!

