Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Elmo

I'm going totally out of order, but I thought I would share Elmo's birthday celebration.

Kane has a minor obsession with Elmo, so when I heard Elmo has a birthday I knew we had to celebrate it. I collected little things from the dollar bin at Target, got a balloon at the Dollar Store and placed an order for an Elmo cupcake just a day before the celebration.

I decorated Kane's table while he was taking a nap.

Not bad for a Kroger cupcake.

His face was priceless when he saw his table. Makes it all worth it!

This little boy has hair like his mama when he wakes up- crazy and all over the place!

Pretty sure he loved the cupcake! He obviously had no reservations about eating Elmo's face.

It seems like he has figured out that if he looks and smiles at the camera, I won't take so many pictures! Smart boy.

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