Monday, March 26, 2012

Hospital Visit #3

Poor Kane has been thrown through the ringer this week. It all started Saturday when he woke me up saying "mama, I'm choking". I ran to his room to find him throwing up in his bed. I quickly pulled him out just in time for round 2. I had no idea what was going on. As soon as I got him comfortable I text messaged my friend Stephanie to see if her kids were sick too. We had just spent the previous day together, so I thought maybe they picked something up from the indoor play area. Sure enough, her youngest son was sick too. I spent all of Saturday monitoring what and when he drank and if he threw up. Kane was screaming for drinks, but each time I gave in thinking the vomiting had passed he would throw up again. Finally, we got it under control and he fell asleep. He slept all night and pretty much all of Sunday. I was able to get him to drink, so I thought we were in the clear. Sunday night though, he began having diarrhea. You hope the last dirty diaper was the last one, but unfortunately I was wrong every single time. Monday morning he seemed to be the same, so I took him straight to the doctor. I was hoping the doctor would say he had a stomach bug and would give us meds and let us go home. Boy, I had no idea what was in store for us. When we got there they took his temp at 97.5 and gave us a prescription and told me to call them after lunch with his stats. However, as the doctor was walking out of the room, I noticed Kane was really hot. I had the nurse come in and take his temp... 104.3. I was in a total panic. The doctor told me to take him straight to Texas Children's Hospital. I was a complete wreck. I was terrified something would happen on my way to the hospital. I called Michael and thankfully his attending gave him the green light to meet us in the ER. They immediately started running tests and loaded him up with IV fluids. After spending all day there, they weren't seeing the results they needed, so we were admitted. We ended up spending 2 nights in the hospital. We still are not sure what happened. Some ideas the doctors threw around were Rota virus and salmonella. We are part of a Rota virus study- we will get the results in 2 weeks.

The timing of Kane's sickness did not help in making an accurate diagnosis. We were at the zoo on Wednesday, Thursday we had chick-fil-a and went to the park, and Friday we had a play-date at an indoor play area, the exterminator came and we went to the park again (with more chick-fil-a). No telling where he picked up this nasty bug!

They discharged him Wednesday afternoon and since then, he has been doing well. Eating, drinking and sleeping.

Being the mamarazzi that I am, I took pictures along the way...

Little boy all hooked up in the ER.
I was so impressed by the doctors at TCH. The second we were taken to a room, 3 doctors and 2 nurses walked in. They were all so sweet and stayed active in his care the whole time we were there.

Poor Michael was post-call and exhausted.

Sweetest Angel

The ER docs gave him a popsicle, but he had no interest in eating it.

Our first night in the hospital.
We got a crib for Kane, I slept on the couch and Michael slept on a chair.

I wanted to climb in there with him, but I was afraid I would break it. ha!

We had to feed him out of a syringe and weigh each diaper to control his input/output.

Kane started complaining about the IV and the nurse thought Kane was doing well enough to take it out... man was she wrong. They had to re-stick him a couple hours later because he stopped drinking and was losing his balance. It was so hard seeing the nurses lay across him to stick him again. It broke my mommy heart. Something tells me, from here on out taking him to the doctor is going to be a struggle.

Michael ran home the day before to get a few things that we needed... somehow he found Kane's Elf on the Shelf pjs. ha!

Our room was in a great location... Kane got to watch all the "doctor trucks" race down Fannin.

They loaned him this Police car. He loved it, but hardly had any energy to play with it.

Tuesday night I sent Michael home to get a good nights sleep since he had to go to work the next day. I asked the nurse to change the crib out for a bed, so I could sleep with him.

Our last morning there, he started asking for juice in his cup. That was music to my ears!

I do not recommend staying in a hospital by yourself with a toddler. We did not get discharged until 2 pm on Wednesday and I was starving! I could not go get anything to eat or drink since I was the only one with Kane. Poor planning on my part.

As always, Kane was spoiled rotten by his LuLu, Uncle Matt and Aunt Ashley. They came every single day, brought us food and Kane toys.
They got him an Elmo pillow pet and a "doctor truck". Mr. Greg was so considerate and got him a dump truck for our house (LuLu has one at her house). I saw a replica of his Grandpa Victor's Viper in the gift shop and thought he needed a race car too.

We appreciate all the prayers we received while in the hospital. We could not be more grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie!!! I am so sorry y'all had to go through all that, how scary! I am so happy he is on the mend and y'all are back home. Bless his precious little heart, what an angel. xoxo
