Sunday, May 20, 2012

gymnastics performance

Kane and I went to my niece's gymnastics performance on Saturday. We were so excited to see everything that Kylie learned this year and spend time with my other nieces.

 Ashlyn and Kylie

My brother's youngest daughter, Cadyn.

Chloe was such a big help today! Such a great big sister and cousin.

Jumping into the foam pit!

 Chloe throwing Kane into the foam

 Landon gave Kane a big push down the slide.

K and C jumping 

My sweet boy loved gymnastics! 

Kane and Uncle Danny

Kane was trying to copy Kylie during their floor exercises!

Ashlyn showing off her medal

Kylie showing off her medal!

My brother is the BEST daddy to his girls! I am so proud of the dad he is.

My brother with Cadyn and Ashlyn

 Kane and I brought flowers for the girls to congratulate them on a great season!