shopping/looking online for my favorite little man is one of my favorite things. his aunt ashley asked me to pick out some things for him on the fao swartz website and boy did i find some fun things. i always forget to look on their website for fun toys. case in point.... remember months ago i was desperately searching for a radio flyer bounce pony that had an infant seat. come to find out they discontinued it. to top it off the infant seat did not come off so it could only be used for a short amount of time. well i found exactly what i was looking for! it's a grow with me pony!
i know kane is a little young for this but i remember being a kid and bouncing my little heart out on one of these. i think these cute little covers add a new fun appeal!
and this has been in my etsy favorites since i have been pregnant. i love it! perfect for learning how to spell his name in the future.
will he be ready for this this next year? i love how it has rounded edges.
so many fun things!
i finally got the go ahead from hubs to order kane this for his 1st year pictures. OF COURSE they are sold out and the next shipment is not until 11-8-2010. we leave for houston 11-6. fantastic. now back to the drawing board for a cute, funny outfit.
besides getting the tie for his pictures i am loving this. not necessarily the preppy look but a messy look. not sure if i like that it's velvet though.
the other day we made play-dough. it was oatmeal, water and flour so it was infant safe.
notice my sad attempt at a palm tree. lol
i love this little man!
i have so many pictures like this. he closes his eyes when i go to take a picture! he has such a funny little personality!
That name puzzle is so cute! Danny had one of those - Devoni still has it! lol