Once we landed in houston we went to baggage claim to get our bags and car seat and there was no car seat!!! i waited there for about 5 minutes until it dawned on me that if it had not come by then it wasn't coming! i walked over to the office and they were able to track it- it was on a plane about to take off for mexico. but they assured me if they didn't get to it in time they had one i could borrow. borrow??? excuse me but no. i wanted our britax car seat back and if they couldn't get it in time they would be paying for a new one. ok, maybe i didn't tell them that but i was thinking it. keep in mind this was the day i spent all morning sick as a dog and my body was so sore. i was ready for a good fight. lol maybe not but i was so ready to go. and by go i mean, go to my aunts, change clothes and try to make nikki's wedding.
on to what's important... here is the handsome birthday boy on his birthday. sweet boy woke up to a bed full of balloons!
reading his new birthday book and waiting while i cooked birthday pancakes!
he loves to feed us now
"here dad take 1 more bite"
mowing lulu's rugs
for lunch he had a birthday cake grilled cheese. it's the only thing i could think of to use my cute little cake mold with.
oh I hate that y'all were sick and had such travel issues, but your birthday boy was too cute!!!