Monday, December 27, 2010

blessed beyond belief

michael and i are so lucky to have families that are so incredibly giving. we were astonished at all the packages we received this year. i'm sure the UPS driver in our area knows our names and address by heart. everyday we received another gift for our sweet boy. it truly is amazing and we are so thankful for our families and all they do. i'm starting to think our next house will have to have a toy house (guest house) included! lol we are overwhelmed with toys. when i told people we needed new fun stuff to play with as we wait this cold winter out- they delivered! so much so i think michael and i need to part with a few pieces of furniture! totally kidding! take a look for yourself...

this isn't including the bath tub full of toys that i have no where to store! (and clothes/pjs that he needed so much!) kane's lulu was so sweet when she asked what kane wanted/needed i replied not a thing! so she got him stock. she wants him to learn about the stock market and be responsible with money. this is something that michael loves to do so i can just see my two boys checking their stocks everyday together! plus she got him his first pair of cowboy boots!!! they have not arrived yet but we are expecting them any day! so excited to dress my little cowboy up! i think next year we will have to tell people to put money in kane's account because this is just crazy. too crazy. i thought all of his infant things were overwhelming.

ok so here's the rundown on christmas eve/morning....

christmas eve michael was post call so he got home around noon, the boys napped then we all got ready for a fabulous dinner at eddie merlots! (thanks lulu!) the food was to die for! kane had the whole place in chuckles. he started cracking up laughing for no reason and i got so nervous because it's not exactly a kid friendly place but when everyone turned around and smiled it made me relax. my sweet happy boy knew santa would be coming soon!

enjoying a fabulous dinner

i don't think he wanted his picture taken!
happy boy

christmas eve right before bedtime

k had a blast stepping on and off the box

santas cookies and milk

the reindeer food we made and hung on a tree outside

after we put kane to bed michael and i started on the train table. i LOVE putting things together- no idea why but i have always been like that. we got it done within 2 hours and then michael went to bed. i was so excited i could not fall asleep! i love having a kid on christmas morning! kane finally woke up and was in shock! he couldn't stop touching everything. especially the singing, dancing animals... thanks grandma. lol these things have been playing constantly since we got them.

michael putting the train table together

ta-da! all of this stuff was for kane! lol

santa got stuck so i had to give him a push!

santa got snow and ice all over the floor!
the "fun" animals from grandma

kane on christmas morning. i didn't get pictures of him as he entered the room because i was video taping it.

sleepy boy trying to figure out what was going on

k and m enjoying their morning coffee
the miranda family christmas morning

us christmas morning at church

michael made a turkey and i made twice bakes potatoes for dinner. that evening kane and i made cupcakes for baby Jesus and sang happy birthday to him.

happy birthday Jesus!

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  1. Oh wow!! Kane is one lucky little boy! Looks like you guys had such a blast!

  2. What a great Christmas yall had! So glad to see you guys doing so well after the move. Kane is precious! Loved his sweet picture on the Christmas card!!

  3. Oh sweet Kane, what a blessed little boy! Carson has the same train table, it's so fun! The kids LOVE it when we have playdates.

    I'm so impressed by all that you do for him. You are so creative and it is so evident how much you love your family. You are precious and inspire me to do more for my boys.

  4. Wow you are sooo very creative! I have a boy born Nov 12 right after Kane. He loved Christmas this year and it was overwhelming with all the things he got. I am going to donate some of it..Happy New Years love your blog!


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