Friday, January 14, 2011

HUGE news y'all!!!

yep!! you read it correctly!

all of our praying and good luck pics to dad paid off! of course michael did a great job too! :)

daddy's impromptu brownies at 10pm as soon as he got home- not my best work

we are SO PROUD of michael! he went on this particular interview and a hour after leaving they called and offered him a spot! that's unheard of! schools can take months to get back with you- plus they aren't even through interviewing residents! incredible!

more details to come once we are done celebrating!

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  1. I'm so excited for you guys (AND for us)!!! I want to be friends and let our boys play! Kane will fit right in. Hip, hip hooray!!

  2. How exciting, congrats to you all!!! Once you're home, I want to come over to Texas and have a play date with y'all and the Sweet T Family:)

  3. awww!! how exciting!! so happy for you guys! go michael!!!!

  4. Congrats! That is great news for you guys :) Is this a fellowship or is he switching during residency? I am jealous you get to leave these frigid temps. behind :)

  5. YAY, YAY and YAYYYYYY!!!! I'm so happy for yall!!! Please update soon with details!!

  6. How exciting for you guys!!! Praise God and great job Michael!! Now we just need to get out there too :)

  7. That is so exciting! Can't wait to hear the details. I know you are hoping it will be soon to get out of the winter cold. Take care!!

  8. Congratulations!! I know how happy yall must be!! Way to go, Michael!!


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