Wednesday, February 16, 2011


to say i have an obsession with hearts would be an understatement. i have been a heart fanatic since i was a little girl. so much so, that when i was around 6 my dad and step mom had custom twin size fabric heart headboards made for my bedroom. i loved them so much! my step mom still has them in case i ever want to recover and use them. i know if a little girl ever joins our family one of her birthday parties will be all hearts. i just can't resist! even though valentines day is over kane and i have kept up the heart theme around here. i forgot that before the flood i bought heart pasta for kane so yesterday i made it for his lunch.

this morning we made heart pop tarts. i got the idea from the fabulous ladies over at lullaby Lubbock. with a few minor changes to the recipe we were in business. we used apples and blueberries as the filling and Pillsbury seamless dough. it was super easy and without icing on top i think a little healthy. kane ate them right up. i will have to think of other fun shapes that we can do to make it more boyish.

fresh fruit... my fav!

we used kane's baby food maker to puree it

cut out hearts

filled them with fruit and "stitched" them up

baked at 375 for 10 minutes.

kane eating them with his new fork

i think he's got the concept down! so smart!

i know i have talked about this before but just a little reminder.... it's Gap day! i am so excited to go in today and pick out 1 or 2 spring things- depending on how nice the sales lady is- and get 40% off!! i freaking love gap for kane! if you don't have a coupon book you NEED one! just ask at checkout if they still have one for february. it's 40% off EVERY wednesday, EVERY month, ALL year long!!

we also made popsicles for kane. can you tell i'm chomping at the bit for spring to get here?? i had a hard time deciding what "flavor" to make so i googled homemade popsicles and came up with an applesauce one. i mixed applesauce with apple juice and to be totally honest it is amazing! it will be so fun to experiment with fun flavors this summer and add chunks of fruit. my brother and i always made orange juice popsicles as kids that were delish too. pictures to come...

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  1. you are SUCH A CUTE mom! i love all of the projects you do with Kane - so, so creative!

  2. Another adorable healthy baby food from you! I love all you do with his food, I hope I'll be able to do some of them for Elle.

  3. we NEED to have a baking day in march when you're in town! HURRY MARCH!


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