the other day michael's friend from college who has become a good friend of mine asked for birthday party ideas for her daughter. kyra will be one in february and is the most adorable little girl! i only had a few ideas so i wasn't much help but one that i did offer was "...onederful..." brillant right? lol not?! she came back with the perfect idea- kyra's winter one-derland. omg! love it. she is going to have snowflakes everywhere and an ice cream bar. i can not wait to see how it all turns out. i love the theme and it will be just precious!
on a different party note- my brother will be 31 in january and his friend wants to throw him a party. last year was a tough year for him so we really didn't do anything big for his 30th. so i gave her a bunch of ideas and she picked a few. the party will be an 80's theme bash (he was born in 1980) and dressing up will be a must. an 80's band will be there and will be set up upstairs on the catwalk overlooking the party. i believe she decided to have a photo booth and a smores booth for the kids. so excited to see how it turns out!
i really wish we could go to the parties. they will both be so much fun!
michael was out of town the last few days for work and left his suit bag out on the bed. well, little mr. quick fingers grabbed it and played with it all morning. i pulled him around our house with it, we played peek-a-boo and threw it in the air countless times to hear it crinkle.
kane found a perfect little space just for him-
Baby girl will be one in June and I'd love any suggestions too! Shawn came up with the gem of an idea-"Bugs" lol. This is what I'm working with over here :)Help!