well this is it. the ninth anniversary of my dads passing. seems crazy that he's been gone that long. hes missed so much of my life. i've missed him so much. i wrote a really long post last night documenting how the day went, cried my eyes out, but then decided i wouldn't post it. maybe next year. it was healthy for me to let it out. it felt so good. i'm glad that tomorrow we will wake up, the anniversaries of both our fathers passings will be behind us for a year and we can focus on christmas. when i was writing last night it really hit me that my "blah" attitude lately was based on today. some years i'm great and others not so much. i think losing a parent is horrible- my life was so completely turned upside down after he died. i became totally independent overnight, at 17. it really changed who i am. it taught me so much. that i am thankful for. i'm a better person for it.
happy thoughts and days from here on out! anyways... here are days 10, 11 and 12. i know it's the 14th but we are a bit behind. (snowmen are not easy to build when the snow is like powder)
day 10- we baked cookies. chelsea found the cutest snowman cookies on another blog so we baked them too.
these baking pics are actually from movie night but they fit well here.
chef kane
these were the cookies we made that day
day 11-we bought a christmas book
i got this little book from target in their dollar section and so far it's the best dollar i have ever spent. kane and i read this book 20 thousand times a day. he loves flap books!
I will always remember how sweet and fun your dad was! You're his baby girl! I know he's looking down SO proud! xoxo On a lighter note, I love kanes hat lol