Monday, December 13, 2010

if you open the refrigerator...

if you open the refrigerator in front of kane

chances are he's going to ask for some yogurt

or 4

once he realizes he can't open it on his own, he'll ask for help

and then for a spoon

after you give him a spoon, he's going to make a huge mess

so he'll need a bath and insist the yogurt cup comes along

once bath time is over he'll grab his cup and hold on to it while you dress him

and chances are it will remind him how much he likes yogurt and he'll ask for another

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  1. if you give a mouse a cookie..... love everything about this preciou little post!

  2. awwww.. so sweet but what a mess!

  3. So cute!! I'm your newest follower! Kane is adorable!!!!


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