Lately Michael has been the team doctor for many varsity football games and last night I was able to join him. It was very cool seeing my hubby in action. He brought me a chair and sat me right next to all the stinky boys. LOL What was so funny about the whole situation is that many people gave me bad looks! I guess they thought I was a pregnant high schooler. Kane was too cute, he kicked me ALL night! It was like he knew we were at a football game and he wanted out so he could play!
Somebody got hurt in the 1st quarter so Michael had to check him out
Michael and Matt watching the game
Michael walking in with the team during half time.
I think I held up pretty well considering I had been up since 5. I found a snack bar and gave into my craving for cheetos! So yummy!!!
On the way home I was listening to the radio, country of course, and I just started balling. Maybe it was my hormones but I cried like a baby. I am so anxious to have Kane but at the same time I am getting sad that I wont have him inside of me anymore. Through years of babysitting and watching family kids grow I know how fast Kane will grow up. He will be a daddy's boy, play with dirt, bring frogs inside to keep as pets before I know it and it makes me so sad! Some people are baby people and some are not but I defiently am a baby person! I love everything about them, from how they smell to how they cry. It makes my heart melt. I know I am getting ahead of myself but it's going to fly by when he gets here and I want to cherish every second with him! I already love this little man more then anything, sniff, snifff.... my eyes are watering again. Ok on to something else....
We went in for our 31 week appointment last week and everything is right on track. K-man kicked the heart beat monitor again (third time in a row!) And my mom made her reservations to fly down here. She is going to stay with us for 3 weeks. It will be so nice having my mom here. She lives in Virginia so I don't get to see her as much as I would like. I know she is super excited about Kane!
This past week my brother's family was all sick with the flu except for the baby. I knew it was not a good idea but I volunteered to watch her for a couple of hours.... of course the next day she got diagnosed with the flu. So far I have not had a problem, thank goodness! My flu shot is next week so I will be thankful to get protected.
I was helping my sister in law find halloween costumes for her girls and I found some for Kane for the next 5 years! There are so many cut ones! I wish my little nugget was here on time for this Halloween but I dont want to rush him! I am a Halloween nut! Love the colors and cute decorations (not the gross stuff.)
I could just kiss that lil' face!

so cute for when he is older...

Michael said NO WAY to this one because he doesn't want to pressure him... but cute!
And OMG! how cute is this? I seriously want to buy this now! My little Tiger!
I bought Kane the giraffe high chair cover... ADORABLE! best 70 bucks I have ever spent.... not really but it was worth it. And I think I found a coming home outfit I like better then the Ralph Lauren one. We are about to go look at it again but I'll keep you posted!
That Lion costume has always been a favorite of mine but Kevin said NO because of the bow. The golfer is TOO CUTE! Love that.