This past Friday Michael had a CTA, basically a cat scan of his heart. His dad unexpectedly passed away this past December because he had a congenital heart defect that he did not know about. It's actually AMAZING that he survived as long as he did. We wanted to make sure that Michael did not have the same condition so we had him scanned.
He will KILL me for this but....
In order to get a good scan they had slow his heart rate down and monitor him carefully. (Loving the fact that they made him wear all the gear!)
Saturday we had our first baby shower. It was so much fun and I am so lucky that I have such a sweet sister-in-law and aunt!
My aunt, Brooke, me and Liz
The front door... got this on Etsy!
My dad bought this carousel for me when I was born. When we decided to do a circus theme I knew we had to include it!
The diaper cake and party favors
The excited parents!
His fabulous cake and yummy carmel apples
We noticed this "liger" on the cake? Seriously what is it? LOL I think they got confused!
These are pinwheels I attached to the party favors. I printed out different baby quotes/prayers and attached them.
Some of our cute outfits!
Decorations with both of our baby pictures and Kane's ultrasound
Another item from Etsy
Lovely ladies... what am I doing with my arm?
The guests
Kane's first burberry outfit and shoes! Love them! What a stylish baby!
Kane's gift to daddy. He cant wait to play golf!
Opening all of our gifts!
Michael being silly trying to stick his belly out
Playing "How big is Jamie's tummy"
A little too big Ashley.... Thanks a lot!
Chelsea won!!! She was exactly right!
Afterwards I made him diaper a monkey for practice!
Pics I found of my mom's baby shower when she was preg with me!

Love the 80's! LOL
We had so much fun! Thank you everybody for all of the sweet gifts!
We just came back from our second 3-D ultrasound and the little squirt was in the same position! Oh well, it's pretty clear we will be working around Kane's schedule not the other way around!

Loved the shower!!! It was just too cute!!! and my candle smells amazing :)