All the sweet people I work with threw me our 3rd baby shower on Monday! We got lots of goodies! We are so blessed to have tons of people in our lives who care about our little family.
We got nearly everything on our baby registry plus so many more keepsake items!
This week we are 35 weeks! Two more weeks until Kane is considered term!!! I can not believe this magical journey is almost over and our sweet baby will be here before we know it.
So this past weekend we were busy little parents to be! Michael and I managed to put everything together!
Pack n Play - check
Stroller- check
Swing- check
Bouncer- check
First step on the exersaucer- check
Walker- check... yes the walker... we got a little carried away!
The jumperroo is the only thing left!
Here is the excited daddy figuring out our stroller! Notice all the stuff in the background! HA! no worries it is all cleaned up now!
The last thing we need is a bassinet. But my indecisiveness is holding us up! We have my cradle that I used when I was a baby but its very dated. Although it would make my moms day to see us using it. Then we have our pack n play. Not the most comfortable thing for our baby to sleep in every night but so convenient because it has a diaper changer on it. Then of course we can buy a new bassinet. I always envisioned having a beautiful bassinet for our baby but we may of waited too long to get it here on time. All the decisions.... I'll make a decision soon or a later or we will be in trouble.
And guess what FINALLY came in!!!!
YAY! our 2nd box of bedding came in on Saturday! We have it all pressed and on the bed but we have one more thing to hang then I will post pics of his room! It is so much more then what I ever expected! My grandma cried when she saw his room! So sweet!
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