This post is going to be full of random chaos! So get ready for me to be all over the place.
We got our bassinet in and it is GORGEOUS!!! could not be happier. I would post a pic but it's getting pressed so I will take a pic as soon as I pick it up!

We received our high chair cover and are very pleased with that as well. I love how its unique. The lady was supposed to have a small "masculine" ruffle around the top but she forgot... Michael likes the piping better so I guess I'll leave it alone.
Because I am already dilating we have been busy bees over here trying to tie up all the ends and outs. Of course that included me getting perhaps my last mani/pedi/highlights without a baby by my side. But more importantly we went to the store today and loaded up on all the essentials. That way we won't have to make a run for something silly when we get home with Kane. We can focus on being with him. :)
Bags are all packed and ready for the hospital.
I made tags for our bags... haha. One might say that I have too much time on my hands but the truth is I really don't. I still work 40 + hours a week, I'm just weird and very type A!
"Kane's Bag"
"Kane's Mommy"
While we were at the store, my sister-in-law's grandmother stopped by and left our handmade stockings on our porch! She is such a sweet lady and I am thrilled with them!
She made the partridge in the pear tree stocking for me last year. It says "Aunt Jamie" but she insisted today that she is going to make me a brand new one... I can't wait to see what it looks like! But here are the three together-
The golfing one could not be more perfect for Michael! He loves it. So now we have these stockings and fancy stockings that I bought last year! LOL I always manage to get extras and not on purpose! That just means we can fill up two of them!
The other day Miss. Meredith posted on her blog that she got a Canon SLR camera for her birthday from her wonderful hubby! I have grown up around them so I know they take perfect pictures, especially when the subject is a newborn baby! So the next day or so I called my mom to see if she would bring her SLR camera down to Houston when she arrives for Kane's birth. That way we could get some great shots of him as a tiny baby. Of course she agreed and I was thrilled.... until.... she called and told me that she bought me my very own!! I am such a lucky lady and I have the best mom a girl could ask for! Thank you so much mom and I promise I will keep you updated with pics probably on a daily basis!

For those of you who have not heard me say it... I LOVE SNAPFISH! I was ordering pics off my account the other day and it dawned on me to have a book made titled "Kane's First Day!" It will have pictures that were taken throughout our trip to the hospital, me in labor (which I'm sure will be just lovely) and pics of him! Snapfish can make cards, books, stamps, etc all of which I love and have ordered before. I made his shower thank you notes with this picture on snapfish...
Snapfish is going to make so much money off this little mama!
I can not wait until this little stinker gets here!

OMG - those are the SAME type stockings Devoni is making for us - Danny has one like that growing up and still at his parents so he wants to keep up with those kind - too funny!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the luggage tags!!
Come on Kane!!! - get her sooooooon!!!