I always thought that when I had a baby I would be prepared at my 6th month of pregnancy.... little did I know it is so overwhelming! I am a SUPER organized neat FREAK and I'm up to my eyeballs in baby stuff. I don't know where I want anything to go! You want proof???? I'm so embarrassed to show these pictures but maybe it will motivate me to get in there and get stuff done.
All my shower goodies that have yet to find a home
Plus the stuff hiding in his closet
Plus stuff that needs to be put together... not counting his bouncer or swing
(Our job this weekend)
Did I mention his drawers are full? I have 2 more in his other dresser but you better believe those are full with towels and wash cloths!
I stayed home on Monday (my 1st day off work since I have been pregnant!! AHHHH so nice!) to wait for our second box of bedding and organize his room and neither got accomplished! Although, I did clean every other room in the house, organized Michael's office and decorated for Halloween. Might I add the second box has still not arrived! My heart drops every time I drive up hoping it's on my front porch but still nothing! Patience is a virtue I do not have! LOL
BTW do you want to see how many clothes Kane has, WARNING... it is sickening! He has more clothes then me! Not all are from me, he has gotten a lot from the showers I have had and his Aunt Ashley.
0-6 months
6-12 months
Plus the clothes in his drawers and the new clothes that are on his floor. Houston we defiantly have a problem!!!
Ok on to other things- I had a lady from Baby's 1st Furniture paint something else for me. I am obsessed with Sugarboo pictures but at 250 each I thought I could make a fake for much cheaper.
TA DA!!! I love it! She did such a great job!
"On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered "Life will never be the same" because there had never been anyone like you... ever in the world. Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born." Nancy Tillman
... Makes me tear up just reading it.
We have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I hope it goes well and she says he is ready for this world! Just kidding but it would be nice to meet the little guy who keeps kicking me!
So much precious stuff... awww the JOY of a new baby boy! I am so nostalgic over this post. Honestly, it makes my heart beat fast knowing what incredible blessing is just around the corner for you.