After waiting for what seems like FOREVER, we received one box of our baby bedding. There is one more floating around a post office so we are keeping our fingers crossed that it arrives tomorrow or Monday. But what we got so far we LOVE!! My grandmother, aka, the decorator is coming over tomorrow to help us hang our bed curtain. I will post the pics of Kane's room when it is all done. But in the meantime this past week we accomplished so much! I bought a new coming home outfit for Kane, I got my coming home outfit... ha... found our birth announcements and Christmas cards! Looking at Christmas cards reminded me of things I can not wait to do in years to come with Kane! The first being something I did with a family of boys that I used to babysit for. We went to a pottery store and made their mom a cookie plate.
This is before it was completed, the finished product was very bright and shiny.
They had so many designs to pick from, a perfect gift for grandparents! Not to mention personalized place mats with his hand prints on them. Ohhh all the fun to come!
The second thing I am for sure doing within the next two Christmas' is having his picture taken in a kitchen. I saw a picture one time where the kids were in a Christmas decorated kitchen making/eating cookies and they had flour all over on faces! Too cute for words.
This is also a cute idea for when he is older.

Today I started Christmas shopping for the family. I figured time is running out so why not start now? I know I won't feel like it after he comes. On more current issues, Michael and I can finally get our pumpkins since October is here! I love the pumpkins from Central Market and Whole Foods. They are very exaggerated and very cool. You better believe the baby pumpkin will be painted blue in honor of Kane! Poor Michael thinks I've lost my mind!
I called our photographer today and scheduled them for Kane's birth day, then again a few days after he gets home. Might I also add that I included his 3, 6, 9, and 12 mth pictures. (It's a package deal) But the best thing about all of that is that it is FREE!! Yep, that's right. They said because I brought them business from our wedding and I agreed to go to the bridal show in January they would do all the shoots for free. I just have to pick up the print orders, which I'm sure won't be a pretty picture itself!
Have a good weekend!

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