Sweet love you are 4 months old today! Time has really flown by. I wish I would of done this from day 1 but I am going to start keeping a record of what you are doing at each month.
Today is March 9,2010 (mommy's birthday) and you are 4 months!!
You have been sleeping in your crib at night for the past 3 nights. The first night was a little rough because you fussed every time the pacifier fell out of your mouth but since then you have slept from about 8 pm until 5:30 am.
You rarely like a pacifier unless you are sleepy. Recently you have found your thumb but I'm trying to keep you from sucking on it. So far so good.
You are so talkative! You study mouths like you want to repeat everything we say. Your favorite word is "a goo." You have started to squeal, dad has no idea just how much or how loud you will get in the coming months!
You are in size 2-3 diapers
Dad weighs you at least twice a week and he thinks you are around 17-18 pounds (you go to the doctor in a few days so we will see if he is right!)
Dad thinks you are around 26 1/2" long
You love tummy time on your surf board, your jumperoo and exersaucer!
Just about anything makes you laugh! Sometimes we can get a belly laugh out of you! Those are the best!
You love splashing during bath time. I always get soaked!
When you eat you like to play with your hair and hold our fingers
When you are sleepy you rub your eyes
You hit at and grab your toys and bring them to your mouth where you usually soak them in drool
You drool constantly! LOL
You always move your legs like you are in a hurry to go somewhere and conquer the world! (I'm sure you will one day)
We can see a little tooth bud coming in but oddly enough it looks like its your lower canine
We are trying to get you on a schedule but you have a mind of your own when it comes to sleeping...
We love you sweet boy, more then we have ever loved anything. Happy 4 months in this beautiful world!

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