Tuesday, November 30, 2010

i love baking

kane and i have busy little cookers lately.

we made yummy little donuts the other morning. they were perfect little bites for kane- without the sugar of course. so easy and so many different recipes you can use to change it up!

these were cinnamon and sugar

yesterday we made the BEST s'mores cookies. they are like taking a bite out of heaven!! i got the recipe from bakedperfection. you need to make them.
as soon as those bad boys are gone we will be back in the kitchen making this

is your mouth watering yet??

ok, why is this toy so hard to find??? i saw it at target and took a pic for my file and now i realize what a HUGE mistake not buying it was! it was $37.00 at target but going for close to $100 on ebay! craziness! no store knows if and or when they will get more in. why? there was a previous one that was recalled so this new one just arrived and it's flying off the shelves.

shopping at old navy yesterday- love him to pieces!

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  1. Want me to look for it here and ship it to you?

  2. Can you be MY MOM?! You're too much fun. Loving the mini donut pan, I think we might need to purchase that.

    Okay-- you need to start Twittering! I think we'd have so much fun chatting all day :)


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