Saturday, December 11, 2010

dear santa

despite michael being gone all weekend kane and i managed to have some fun. he wrote his letter to santa and we sent it first class to the north pole, we made banana bread and homemade cinnamon rolls. can't say they were the best but for only taking 20 minutes to make and bake they were quite tasty. kane agreed with me, although i didn't let him have icing. i'm mean i know.

i'm so far behind on posting our advent adventures and i do not feel like doing it right now, maybe later today i'll get to it.

we got a ton of snow these past few days. if we were out and about i'd worry that we were snowed in. the little town we live in set a record for most snowfall yesterday.

michael and i have made the decision not to come home for christmas. we found really cheap tickets but this is it for michael- no more days off until he is done with his year in june. we NEED some family time, just the three of us. i love our families but it was so crazy when we were in town for kane's birthday- i felt like we were being pulled in a million directions. that was fine but to top that off michael did not want to spend 2 of his 4 days off in airports over christmas with a baby. can you imagine the craziness? i'm so looking forward to snowy nights snuggled on the couch with my family enjoying each other without worrying that my husband has to wake up at the crack of dawn. i want him to be able to experience our baby in person and not just through pictures. that ladies, is all i want for christmas. you don't realize how much you need your hubby until he's not there- and i mean not there. if he's not on call, he's being held late or trying to catch up on sleep. the other day i had dinner ready for him when he was supposed to walk in the door at 6 but it sat there until 8:30 when he finally got home. he has not had 1 weekend off since we were in houston 5 weeks ago. i can not wait until these years are over. i know i will look back and wonder how we did it and perhaps think it was not that bad. i love kane with my whole heart but sometimes a little mommy break would do me good. but for now i will continue to take 4 minute showers with him in his highchair in the bathroom, take him to my appointments, grocery shop and unload the car with him attached to my hip and cook with him pulling at my leg. there is so much more i would like to share but i think i'll save that- too personal. for now anyways.

geez, i'm depressing today. it's really not that bad. i find things to entertain us. i'm just so lucky i can spend my days with kane. being a stay at home mom is all i ever wanted. so incredibly thankful i can.

a few weeks ago i posted a santa letter by chick-a-bug, however, we ended up not buying it. kane wouldn't "get it" and next year i'm sure there will be something else i'll fall for. well, the other day design dazzle posted 2 FREE santa letters that you can print out. they both include mailing labels and 1 has a letter that you set out next to the milk and cookies on christmas eve. i'll take it!

kane filling it out
pretty sure he was trying to block what he was writing by holding the envelope up
he needed more space so he flipped it over to the back

getting ready to stuff it in the envelope
all done! that day he was a squirt so he signed it hurrikane.
i tried to get a pic of him with his letter but he was in such a hurry to send it this was the best i got
look at that sweet smile!

our mini cinnamon rolls
one for mommy

post signature


  1. Even though I am :( you're not coming home for Christmas, I know you will enjoy your boys so much!

  2. Yes you need that time with your family. Maybe take a trip to see family sans Michael with Kane? That could help ease the pain of Michael not being home and keep you two busy. My BIL just finished his residency and fellowship. I understand the busy schedule and how you feel. I was the person my sister vented to about that. I wish I could take Kane for a day so you can have time to yourself. Maybe look into a Mom's Day Out program one day a week? My niece, 2 1/2, goes to one on Thursdays. She loves it. Does crafts, plays, takes a nap, and eats lunch there. My sister loves the day catching up on errands, etc. without a toddler in tow! Have a great day!

  3. It is completely understandable that you NEED time with your family alone. Although Jer and I love that both of our families are so close, it would be nice to have more 'us' time now and then. It's nice to know i'm not the only one who needs some alone time now and then... and someone else who takes under 10 minute showers!!


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