We recently ordered a plank dining table but I canceled the order today. gulp. I am still trying to tell myself I made the right decision. The man is over a hour away and I would have to pick it up. It is a 7' table so that means the car seat has to stay home. Michael is never home to watch Kane. In fact he only has 1 day off until we move. So I decided it just wouldn't work.
I came across this table on Etsy and I am in love. I am so into plank tables right now. The studs... oh I love the studs. The seller is supposed to get back with me how much shipping will be. Yikes! I'm not sure I want to know.

I got a perfect little dresser off of Craigslist the other day. I can not wait to add a fresh coat of Paris Grey paint and get these lovely little knobs.

so charming!

I recently saw a facebook friend's pictures from a "
day out with Thomas" and knew it was something Kane and I had to do! They are coming to Kentucky in June right before we move. Such a fun mommy son date!

Tonight we were expected to have very bad weather. The weather said our county had 30 minutes to get into their tornado safe place. Say what?? We have a basement but it is scary! Since we had enough time to get to Michael's hospital, I loaded Kane up and we were off. I tried calling Michael to give him a heads up but he was in the OR. We waited for a few minutes then a lady paged him. You should have seen the look on his face. SURPRISE! He was such a gentleman and took us down to the resident lounge where we waited out the storm. While we were waiting Kane got into 500 things. Needless to say, residents are pigs!
This was on the wall... didn't even want to ask.

Michael checking the weather

Kane fell in love with Mr. John's guitar.

Thank goodness we were in the basement because he was making a lot of noise during his jam session.
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