Kane and I made a canvas American flag for the 4th of July. I got the idea on pinterest a few weeks back. It was a little difficult to do with a 19 month old by myself but so fun. It looks like his feet are missing toes!

One of our favorite things to do every morning is to go on mini adventures. I let Kane lead and decide where he wants to go and what he wants to do. Last week, we stumbled upon a construction site and K loved watching all the machines.

His new thing is collecting rocks... if you only knew how many rocks I pick up around the house on a daily basis. (left hand)

While I was packing the other day I noticed Kane was really quiet. Turns out he found the stickers, HA!

Sweet baby playing while I packed

We took a little break from packing and got some ice cream. I hope I can find an ice cream shoppe close to our new house. I think they are so charming.

black cherry is our favorite.

Licking the bowl clean.. he gets this from his mama!

We tagged along with Michael and the other residents for part of their farewell dinner/movie last weekend. After dinner, when the guys walked next door to catch a movie I caught myself tearing up. Michael was really blessed with a great group of residents this past year. He has made wonderful friendships that I hope he is able to keep given the long distance and busy schedules that they all have ahead of them.
You know how I've said that Kane will not go to anyone? Well, he proved me so wrong! He loves Ben and reached for him as soon as we got there. Ben and his wife are trying to have a baby so Ben loved soaking up the attention. Ben told us anytime we wanted him to babysit he would... ummmm... we are leaving in 4 days. Wish we got the offer earlier!

Then he went to Matt when we sat down. Who is this child?
Glad to see he still likes his drum set! ANd i love that charlie brown shirt lol so cute