Since we have been home, Kane and I joined a play group with some girls I went to high school with. I have loved reconnecting and meeting new moms!
Stephanie (the organizer...ha!) just moved into a new home and on the way to her house look what I noticed...
My maiden name is Kirkpatrick and when I graduated from high school my grandparents bought me the rights to name a street. So as you can see, I picked "Kirkpatrick Way". My dad had just passed away so I wanted something to honor him and my family.
Sweet Bella and Kane playing. She is in love with these Spider-man pjs and wears them all the time. Oh the joy of having 2 boys and a girl! Sorry Steph, I have to admit, she does look like a rock star in them!
This is baby Peyton, aren't her lashes killer? She is the sweetest baby!

my sweet munchkin!

I got to hold baby Cole while his mama was dressing his big brother. Isn't he a doll?

Bella and Kane swimming

David, Brad, Kane and Bella. (K and B were watching the workman in the back)

I'm in love with Owen's eyes! So pretty!

Aren't these photos amazing? Thanks Stephanie for taking them!

lol at Bella in that terrible Spiderman outfit. Sure hope when she starts pre-k, she will want to be more girly.