A few weekends ago the girls and I had our annual bakefest. Since I had to miss it last year, I was thrilled to be part of it this year. The girls nominated my house for the baking portion, so I sent Michael and Kane on their way and then cleaned like a crazy lady.
Can you believe she is 7 months pregnant?

I think I ate more than I baked!

The wine glasses for those of us who aren't pregnant.

the girls
Kelly made a gingerbread lady with a baby in her tummy! ha!
Proud mommy-to-be!
Enough cookies and cupcakes to feed an army!
wreath cookies
1st attempt of a group pic. Our faces are priceless!
Much better!
We also did an ornament exchange. Chelsea forgot her gift at home so she grabbed a snowflake off my tree.
dividing up all the goodies to take home to the husbands
A few nights later we met at Maggiano's for dinner. Love our girl time!

Us with our babies 2 years ago!

Melts my heart to see how tiny Ambs and Kane were!

We are hoping to turn bakefest into a cookie exchange next year... or maybe do both!
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