We finished up with our elf on the shelf today. He has been put away until next year. Take a look at his final days in the Miranda h

December 16th
Sheldon practicing his ABCs

December 17th
we found him relaxing on his hammock
December 18th
admiring baby Jesus
December 19th
Looks like Sheldon found the singing choir obnoxious too! Sorry we didn't have earplugs for you Shelly!
December 20th
roasting marshmallows
December 21st
Yikes! Sheldon got locked out! Good thing he had on a scarf and earmuffs!
December 22nd
Trying to get a little color before returning to the North Pole.
December 23rd
Sheldon made himself cherry iced do-nuts
December 24th
Off to the North Pole until next year!
Shelly, we had so much fun with you this year! We can not wait to see you next year!
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