My amazing hubby bought these for me in March for my birthday! My birthday is March 9th and we found out about the little nugget in my tummy on March 22!!!! My heart will ache if I can not fit my feet into these beauties after I have him! Oh the sacrifices women make! Why can't there be a guarantee that everything will shrink back to normal after having a baby?
Don't get me wrong readers- I would gain 100+ pounds for my baby, I am just getting the itch to shop again! Speaking of shopping, I think I found the top I want to wear for our first family Christmas card photo!
I talked to our Doctor today and she said that if he is not here by the 10th she will induce labor. That's only a week and 4 days! I hope he comes on his own before that. The only reason we asked her to induce is because Michael has a huge orthopedic exam on the 14th! We have had nightmares about the baby coming during his test! If he walks out of the test he automatically fails! Talk about pressure!
This is the cutest story ever!!! Last night I woke up screaming because I had the most painful charlie horse ever. My poor hubby thought I was going into labor and jumped up so fast! i felt horrible telling him it was just my leg!
Love the heels girl and those boots HOT! Love the pick for your Christmas picture! So excited for you all!! Yay! Hope you have a great weekend! = )