Lots of things going on in the land of Kane. For starters, in 3 weeks he has gained 2.9 pounds and has grown 1 1/2 inches. I know this because we had the honor of visiting the doctor. N0 sickness involved, which by the way surprises me because it seems like the cold bug has been knocking on everyones door. We went because my baby bug has a rash. At first we thought ecxema but no, we were wrong. Only a bad case of prickly heat rash. This babykins runs so hot I literally have to keep him naked. Which much to my disappointment he is not wearing the 156 cute outfits I have hanging in his closet. He is growing out of them so quickly, there are many things left behind, washed and never worn. BOO is what I say to that.
I wanted to get him a new mudpie football outfit but no store had it in yet. So we just settled with a blanket. Love their new line by the way!!!

Mr. K made his first apperance in the newspaper a few weeks ago. Not for anything he did but for what his G-pa did. The local paper ran a story about our LA trip and included a cute little pic of him screaming (how thoughtful of them huh?) So many cute pictures to pick from and they pick one of him throwing a fit because he was hungry.
I think K is starting to teeth. He can not keep his hands out of his mouth, he drools like a bulldog and sucks my shoulder until I'm drenched in his precious baby saliva. Dad and I have our seatbelts on and are preparing ourselves for sleepless nights and a cranky baby. I hope for all of us it won't be that bad.
Here he is playing peek-a-boo! Love it!
We have recently graduated him from baby baths with his sling to baby baths without it. We probably could have done this weeks ago instead of watching each buttcheek grow off the sides of the sling but we waited until he had a little better head control.
We took Kane to his first Gymboree play class this past weekend. Although he couldn't do much it was still fun. Once he can crawl he will enjoy crawling all over the toys.

I signed him up for swim lessons this summer. His LuLu has a pool so I want to get him as used to being around water as possible. It's so much fun seeing him grow and being able to do more with him. I can't wait for trips to the zoo and park!

I signed him up for swim lessons this summer. His LuLu has a pool so I want to get him as used to being around water as possible. It's so much fun seeing him grow and being able to do more with him. I can't wait for trips to the zoo and park!

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