Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pictures and Weekend Fun

We have been a busy little family lately. Last weekend my friend Stephanie shot some pictures of my precious little man at my mother-in-laws house. She is moving in a week and we wanted to a get a few pictures of Kane in her beautiful backyard. It was great to see her again. She is such an inspiration- a 4 year old, a 11 month old and pregnant with baby #3! No idea how she juggles all of that. She brought her little lady Bella with her and I have never seen a more adorable baby. Thanks Steph for taking our pics!
She isn't done editing them but I'll post them as soon as she emails them to me!

I had mentioned in a previous post that we were going to Dallas this past weekend to celebrate the 1 year anniversary from when we found out we were going to be parents but we had a change of plans. My friend Kelly is getting married in April and she had a couples shower on Saturday. I had already missed her bachelorette party in Fredricksburg a few weekends ago so I didn't want to miss this event! Kelly is marrying her high school sweetheart (they have been dating for 9 years!!!) so there were a lot of people there who I went to high school with. It was so good catching up with everybody!

The beautiful bride is in the middle

We took Kane to sit on the Easter bunny's lap on Saturday. Despite the bunny looking a little freaky I think we got a great picture! My hubby would not let Kane sit on Santa's lap last year because he thought he was still too small (only a month and a half old) so I was determined to put him on the bunny's lap!

I just LOVE his bunny shirt!

Can somebody please give me a gazillion bucks to buy everything I have marked as a favorite on Etsy or just simply delete the folder while I'm not looking? My wish list for Kane is getting longer and longer. I am so obsessed with shopping for my little man. I really need help! But I'll save that for another post.

Kane is doing so well sitting on his own. He still obviously needs help but he can do it for a while as long as he is balanced right!

I don't think this chair is going to last much longer.

A girlfriend of mine got this horse for her daughter last Christmas and I want it so badly for Kane but it is MIA. I have spent hours looking for it and every website/ store says sold out! Boo! Anybody have any helpful hints on where I can locate it? It looks like so much fun.

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  1. OH! And, I have never seen that horse before, but it sure is cute. Let me know if you track it down. Might be a great gift for little Slade one of these days!

  2. love your dress!
    love kane's tee-- carson's easter tee just came... i am a major etsy-aholic! i just thank God i have boys otherwise i would spend even MORE money on there than i already do! :)

  3. Cute little man with the bunny! Ambs can sit, but mostly when her belly is balanced between her little legs haha


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