Monday, March 21, 2011

our houston trip

after 8 fun days in houston we are back home. the last couple days of our visit i wanted to call michael and tell him we'd see him in june! ha! we had so much fun seeing our family and friends and enjoying the beautiful spring weather i basically had to be pushed on the plane. it really made me realize how much i miss home. less then 90 days before we are houstonians again!

despite all the play dates and family visits the whole point of our houston adventure was to watch my brother's 3 girls. i was "free" to do what i wanted during the week days but come the evenings and the weekend i was a "mommy" of 4- yikes! we had tons of fun but i have to admit, it wasn't easy! i was flying by the seat of pants trying to keep up with all of them and learn their routines. for instance, on day 1 we went outside to play... all the kids went straight into the street and in all different directions. i was freaking! once the neighborhood kids heard the girls outside they all came running out saying "my mommy said i can play as long as you watch me." ummm, excuse me but what?? i wanted to pull my hair out. not to mention my brother bought the one house with 4 drainage ditches in front of his house and across the street so i kept envisioning kane falling in head first.
enough talking for now... here are some houston pics!

michael had some free time at work so he was able to drop us off at the airport... we were just 3 hours early! :) so kane entertained himself by rolling our luggage around
and stocking the shelves with the chip lady
we possibly experienced the worst plane ride ever! for starters the plane was basically empty. there were only about 15 people on board, no one was sitting next to, in front or behind us. there was a lot of turbulence and a lady a few rows behind started screaming "omg we are going to die!" i wanted to scream at her! i am so afraid of flying that i was almost in tears. if i could of seen anyone else i would have asked them to come sit next to me to calm my nerves. thankfully kane was a perfect baby and slept the whole time. when we finally landed in houston lulu was there to pick us up and take us to memorial city mall.
the first day was the only time kane would go to anyone besides me. he was so afraid i was going to leave him that he didn't leave my side the rest of the trip. i was very disappointed that i wasn't able to get any pictures of kane with my family.

when we pulled up to lulu's, kane ran to uncle matt. we think he thought matt was michael
playing at the park with lulu

at dinner that night
after dinner lulu took us out to my brother's where he had birthday cake ready for me

sweet cadyn enjoying cake

laughing at uncle danny
precious sisters watching tv before bed
the next day was my actual birthday and when i went to pick up my oldest niece from school she had this waiting for me.
love my chlo-bug! yikes! why am i posting this pic??
cadyn, kylie and the nanny's grandson
we went to bay city the next day to visit my step mom. i couldn't get my camera to work because a little munchkin was playing with it right before and pressed every single button. this was as close as he would get to anyone.
ky and i

chloe had go texan day while i was there and was so excited to dress up! she wanted to go to school extra early to show off her outfit! ha!

we had a couple play dates with chelsea and amberly while we were in town. if you don't follow her you should! she is the most gorgeous mama with the prettiest little girl you ever laid eyes on. love them both to pieces!

kane pushed amberly in her car... so sweet!!

until they got to the front door and he left her! thank goodness caden was there to rescue her!

ambs "petting" caden. funny girl! caden was such a good sport!

on another play date with c & a the 2 kids enjoyed playing in amberly's house

they made rock and grass soup! beautiful babies!

lunch with grandma and chloe

back at my grandparents house kane played with some of the toys that my brother and i played with as kids! so weird seeing everything again!
funny michael fact- we were at gap a couple weeks ago and he saw this shirt... he MADE me buy it because there's a Ferrari on it. i tried explaining to him that no one else would ever know that but he insisted. my husband and his love of cars.

i'm having blog overload right now so this is all you get for the moment! i have so many more pictures i need to go through! 526 to be exact!
happy monday!

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1 comment:

  1. less than 90 days?! omg really?! WAHOO!!!! Can't wait!


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