Happy birthday to my dad! He would have been 66 today. 10 years ago today we celebrated his last birthday here on Earth. It is so hard to even wrap my head around that... 10 years? Wow, how things have changed.
This is the only picture of him that I brought with me to Cincinnati. Such a handsome man if I do say so myself.

In his honor Kane and I made donuts for breakfast. (he owned his own roofing company and would meet his guys at the same Shipleys every single morning to divide up the crews for the day... that sounds bad... he swore he didn't eat donuts EVERY morning he just had their coffee)

We were out of candles so I thought a golf tee was appropriate... green at that. :)

As Kane and I were eating we talked all about his Pa-Paw and his "special conditions".... so many sweet memories flooding my mind as I'm typing this.
What a wonderful way to celebrate your Dad. So nice that you can tell Kane all about him, he will always be in Kane's heart that way and is watching over both of you everyday. xoxo