This past week I started our check list before we hit the road for our 17 hour drive home.
New wiper blades (because this horrible weather wore those suckers out!)
oil change
tire inspection/balance/rotation
and we had an appointment for Kane's car seat to be checked.
I have always had them installed/checked at baby stores but recently the store near us closed so we made an appointment with the fire department. I had no idea they would make us pull into the garage and we would see firetrucks! I just assumed they would do it in the parking lot. It worked out quite nicely because I had blogged about wanting to take Kane to a fire station anyways for a tour. Although, we weren't given a full tour this time, Kane got to check the "vroom-vroom" out.
At first he was afraid of it, he just stood there and yelled at it!
I have read a few blogs recently about having outdoor movie parties. I think they look like so much fun and I would love to start doing this in the summer. I just need to find a projector and speakers. I know my brother has both in his theatre room... i wonder if he will let me borrow them if I invite his girls for a sleepover?
3 weeks to the day :)
Kane is so cute and looks like the fire station was a hit! Good luck on your driving adventure home, that is one long drive!!!